If you have a criminal record, it can feel like everything is blocking the way for you to successfully re-enter society. Barriers to successful employment, housing, and re-integration into society keep ex-offenders from even starting to have a normal life. A lack of education and job training may also get in the way. But, as always in life, there is hope! DDD Bail Bonds in Dallas has found a number of resources to help ex-offenders in Texas get back on their feet for good.

Texas ReEntry Services

One mainstay service committed to helping ex-offenders is Texas ReEntry Services. They work tirelessly helping ex-offenders to get the housing they need for up to 2 years. Their variety of available services, including twelve-hour training programs, assist ex-offenders to find employment. When finished with the training, he or she will receive resumé assistance and job referrals.

Texas Offenders Re-entry Initiative (T.O.R.I.)

T.O.R.I. exists to help ex-offenders reintegrate into society. They work alongside shelters and programs in housing to get folks safe and on their feet. T.O.R.I. coaches others in creating resumés, interviewing, managing their time, and completing job applications. The skills here help them increase their likelihood to find employment.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

The HUD gives Section 8 vouchers to the most qualified people who need assistance in their housing. Ex-offenders can qualify for the program, but ones who cannot include any who were convicted of a violent crime or illegal drug crime. Since assistance varies from person to person, individuals should reach out to HUD for additional information.

Goodwill Industries

Goodwill Industries is a go-to resource for any ex-offenders referred from the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Texas Workforce Commission also refers ex-offenders to Goodwill, and the institution provides job attainment training and skills like making a great resumé and handling interview questions. They also teach computer skills and train people to be able to work with Jiffy Lube. The Goodwill has programs all across Texas for anyone struggling to make it into a job.

Project RIO

With Project RIO, ex-offenders can get help finding employment as soon as they’re released. The staff members and team at Project RIO give workshops to train others in creating resumés, filling out job applications, and doing well on job interviews. Ex-offenders can learn from all these services to get gainful employment, and Project RIO helps give out assistance to anyone looking for a great employment opportunity.

2nd Chances 4 Felons

The program 2nd Chances 4 Felons has resources that ex-offenders who seek gainful employment can use. The link on their website lists all the potential employers they can go to in the state of Texas, contact information, and who is willing to hire any ex-offender. Hit the links and resources tab and click ‘Texas’ to view all Texas-specific opportunities.


For a website jam-packed with information, links, and hints for any ex-offenders looking for Texas employment, ExOffenders lists the employers that hire ex-offenders and show links to each. The website also has a tutorial containing how to make a website for anyone who is interested to set up a business for themselves.

DDD Bail Bonds: Your Trusted Solution for Bonding in Dallas

When a family member needs help, you can turn to DDD Bail Bonds for 24/7 care. Our agents work fast and tirelessly so you don’t need to sit in jail any longer than necessary. Call now or submit any information you need online and get a free quote. It’s still the fastest way in Dallas to post a bond for someone you care about!