by control | Aug 14, 2019 | Legal
The first 72 hours after an arrest are usually the worst—not just because of the long booking period, but for the cloudy area leading up to the arraignment. Oftentimes, individuals arrested and waiting to be booked in jail don’t know what their charges are (or why...
by control | Jul 22, 2019 | Bail Bonds
Regardless if you’ve gone to jail, we all are somewhat familiar with bail. Whether we’ve heard about it on the news or social media, we know that bail is usually an expensive way for inmates to get out of jail before their trial. Depending on the crime, bail can range...
by control | Jul 11, 2019 | Legal
Sometimes referred to as “to a moral certainty,” the phrase “beyond a reasonable doubt” is somewhat foggy. To paint a better picture, compare it to the phrase: “You better be damned sure.” In general, it’s a term meant to portray a tougher...
by control | Apr 24, 2019 | Help
An arrest warrant is a legal document authorizing law enforcement to arrest you. It’s issued based on probable cause that you committed a crime. Ignoring it can worsen your situation, so it’s crucial to address it promptly. Step 1: Contact the County Clerk’s Office...
by control | Apr 18, 2019 | Help
Being unexpectedly arrested is a terrible experience, and spending the night (or more) in jail is even worse. While there’s unquestionably a number of reasons why an unexpected night in jail is detrimental, there’s one that can perhaps trump them all—missing work....